Why Does My Facebook App Keep Installing?

Why Does My Facebook App Keep Installing

It seems like your Facebook app keeps installing itself on your phone, even though you’ve uninstalled it multiple times. There are instances where it’s not uninstalled but you noticed that every time you use it, it keeps installing again in the background. This is actually a very common problem, and luckily it’s fairly easy to … Read more

Is 150 Mbps Good for Gaming?

Is 150 Mbps Good for Gaming

The average internet speed in the United States is around 42.86 Mbps, which is more than enough for most people. But what about gamers? If you’re trying to play a game online, are you better off with 150 Mbps or 50 Mbps? This article will answer that question and many others like it, to help … Read more

Why Can’t I Answer Phone Calls on Android Auto?

Why Can't I Answer Phone Calls on Android Auto

Trying to answer a phone call on Android Auto can be quite challenging at times. Android Auto is purposed to provide hands-free control of everything happening on the phone. It helps to reduce the risk of driving distraction by providing, among other things, access to messages and displaying them on the in-car display and letting … Read more

Why Does Android Auto Turn Off Radio?

Why Does Android Auto Turn Off Radio

Google’s Android Auto platform allows you to connect your smartphone or tablet to your car’s dashboard and access various apps right on the display screen. In the majority of cases, that includes navigation, music streaming, and communication features such as texting and calling, but one thing that has got many complaining is turning the radio … Read more

How To Save Instagram Reels to Camera Roll? Top Third-Party Apps to Try

How To Save Instagram Reels to Camera Roll? Top Third-Party Apps to Try

While some countries across the world were busy taking down Tiktok and banning it, Instagram was in the process of introducing a brand-new feature called Instagram Reels. The highlight of this feature was to introduce a Tiktok-like user interface that allows users to create “Tiktok-like” short-form video content on Instagram. Ever since its release in … Read more

Silly Tavern AI – Breaking Down the Features, Operations and Benefits

Silly Tavern AI – Breaking Down the Features, Operations and Benefits

AI conversations have become the norm now, offering users access to quality text-based back-and-forth interactions. However, as human beings, we are consistently looking for ways to better our user experience, even when it involves AI conversational ventures. Out of all of them Tavern AI, which is now known as Silly Tavern AI, has been dominating … Read more