Why Does Android Auto Show Fahrenheit?

Why Does Android Auto Show Fahrenheit

Car manufacturers have been striving to make their vehicles smarter, more connected, and safer for drivers and passengers alike with the inclusion of Android Auto in modern cars, yet a lot of people are still confused by this new technology. In this article, we’ll explain why Android Auto shows temperatures in Fahrenheit instead of Celsius … Read more

Why Does Android Auto Turn Off Radio?

Why Does Android Auto Turn Off Radio

Google’s Android Auto platform allows you to connect your smartphone or tablet to your car’s dashboard and access various apps right on the display screen. In the majority of cases, that includes navigation, music streaming, and communication features such as texting and calling, but one thing that has got many complaining is turning the radio … Read more

Silly Tavern AI – Breaking Down the Features, Operations and Benefits

Silly Tavern AI – Breaking Down the Features, Operations and Benefits

AI conversations have become the norm now, offering users access to quality text-based back-and-forth interactions. However, as human beings, we are consistently looking for ways to better our user experience, even when it involves AI conversational ventures. Out of all of them Tavern AI, which is now known as Silly Tavern AI, has been dominating … Read more

BigSpeak.ai: Create Audio from Text in Seconds

Artificial Intelligence is consistently growing and evolving and among the entire recent technological advancements one that has been making the rounds is BigSpeak.ai. If you don’t keep up with these tools, BigSpeak.ai utilizes the power of machine learning to create audio files from text. The best thing about this tool is the fact that it’s … Read more